jeudi 4 juin 2015

How does stress affect your skin?

Us may note changes in our skin when we are in a State of tension and suspense, before an important job interview, ahead of such an important wedding or transition to a new home or in more painful periods as Aziz disease or even death,

Us may note changes in our skin when we are in a State of tension and suspense, before an important job interview, ahead of such an important wedding or transition to a new home or in more painful periods as Aziz disease or even death, so it is possible that this tension is reflected on our skin by up to status rashes.
For that reason you until you feel tension in your body secretes cortisol and other hormones cause fat cells have to produce more and more fat. Which makes you more prone to cases of rash.
Cortisol is a stiroaed is very strong, has paralyzed a part of your immune system, causing it to be more susceptible to colds and flu-like symptoms, as well as increasing the exposure of your skin llargiat-sensitivity factors!

Stress may affect negatively the skin problems that have them, such as psoriasis, fever blisters also increases the risk of skin infections such as cold sores. It hinders the proper functioning of your skin, that desiccate: leading the protective external layer to disintegration as it shrinks and evaporates fat skin cells between those cells.
Habits that may arise in the event of tension — such as scrubbing, scratching biting lip wekrkth fingers – increase chances of skin damage and disease. When the immune defenses of the skin already, these nerve impulses are not helping.
Unfortunately, studies also have shown that living a permanent state of tension increase chances of skin cancer in later years.
You summarize about 8 Virtual effects of tension on the skin:
1. ugly rash and sexy llhakak: skin cells found in layers on top of each are tightly together, forming together a strong barrier to prevent the spread of bacteria and other pathogens. When you are in a State of compression, the outer layers of the skin become incapable of protection, as we have these outer layers disintegrate, vaporize fat cells leading to minor cracks, the cracks make the skin more permeable allowing harmful bacteria to contaminate the deeper layers of the skin. These bacteria produce a protein the activate immune system leading lllaksima and psoriasis.
2. acne — found in a study of 22 students American University during the week of final exams that students suffering from stress and anxiety before an exam suffered love guys worse compared with those less tense, and other studies have shown that relaxation treatments may reduce the severity of injury in the case of acne.
3. deadly skin cancers – recent studies have demonstrated in mice and then humans demonstrated that "melanoma" and is the most deadly skin cancer types were more prevalent among those who live life tension, compared to those who did not have skin cancer is diagnosed.
4. pollution-as we talked already valkortisol is a mild steroid excretion is frequently whenever tensions and lead to irritation and consternation and skin system exposure to contaminants – Japanese study revealed that by watching the movie whenever giggle more scenes, say cortisol, stress hormones, and always in the interest of the skin.
5. cold sores-stress affect many different immune cells, leading to outbreaks of skin diseases associated immunity such as cold sores (psoriasis, eczema, shingles, warts viral)
6. the frown lines \ frown – frown lines on the face is not known to most people and are sometimes appear as wrinkles and signs of premature aging. May force yourself to smile but the smile won't work if suffering from chronic stress and negative thoughts and feelings. In fact, natural and permanent smile comes only from the positive emotions that cause you want to smile.
7. the drought – reduces the tension of the pregnant fatty skin, which leads to evaporation of liquids and consequently drought.
8. The pallor of the skin – when tension and anxiety is chronic, it takes skin cells take longer to reach the surface of the skin and thus detach, allowing dead skin cells accumulate, causing pallor and fade skin.

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